Maryann Ridini Spencer

Maryann has worked as a freelance journalist throughout her career, contributing to a variety of national and regional newspapers and magazines. Her primary beats cover Writing (screenwriting, novels, cookbooks, TV/Print Journalism), Food/Epicurean, Sustainable Living, Healthy Lifestyles and Joyous Living, Home and Family, PR and Marketing, Business, and Women’s InterestA sampling of her credits includes Ventura County Star (Video Reporter and Print Columnist), Palm Springs Life Magazine (Food Editor/Writer), Los Angeles Magazine, Desert Magazine, Totally Local VC, Soap Opera Digest, Hi-Def, Women in Film Publications, and many others including her award-winning healthy living blog Simply Delicious Living. She is also an established PR and Marketing Consultant and award-winning screenwriter/producer and book author.

PORTFOLIO LINK (Magazine, Newspaper Print Articles)


VIDEO PORTFOLIO (Writer, Producer, Reporter/Host)